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NordicTrack Commercial 1750 vs. Sole F80

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NordicTrack 1750 and Sole F80

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 and the Sole F80 are two high-quality folding treadmills for home gym users that want a durable machine with a power incline and a full-size deck. It can be a tough decision to select one over another, as both models offer a variety of impressive features and come with similar main specs.

In this comparison, we will take a look at key differences and similarities between these two models and also weigh the pros and cons of each treadmill.

Note: This comparison has been updated to include the latest changes and features of the Sole F80 (2023) and NordicTrack 1750 (2022). We strive to provide the most current and accurate information to help you make the best choice for your fitness needs. Should there be any updates to these models in 2024, we will ensure this comparison is updated accordingly.

NordicTrack Commercial 1750 vs. SOLE F80 Comparison

NordicTrack 1750 (2022 Model)

SOLE F80 (2023)

Price See Price at Amazon See Price at Amazon
Running Area 22″ X 60″ 22″ X 60″
Motor Power 3.5 CHP 3.5 CHP
Incline/Decline -3% Decline and 12% Incline 15%
Speed 0 – 12 MPH 0.5 – 12 MPH
Folding yes yes
Maximum Weight Capacity 300 lbs. 350 lbs.
Heart Rate Monitor Bluetooth-enabled Heart Rate Monitor, sold separately Pulse Grips & Chest Strap Compatible (Included)
Touchscreen yes yes
Built-in Programs 50 10 pre-programmed, 12 user defined
Training Apps iFit (30-day free membership included ) Studio App
Tablet/Device holder yes yes
Cooling Fan yes yes
Display 14″ Tilt & Pivot HD Touchscreen, Android 9 OS 10.1″ Touchscreen
Buttons on Handlebars no yes
Audio yes yes
Bluetooth Audio yes yes
Rollers 2.5″ Precision and Balanced Non-Flex Rollers 2.36″ Rollers
Assembled Dimensions 80L x 38W x 65H inches 82.5L x 38W x 66H inches
Warranty 10 years warranty on the frame, 2 years on the parts, and one year on labor Lifetime frame, motor, 3 years deck, 3 years parts, 1 year labor
Read full review Read full review
NordicTrack Commercial 1750 treadmill
NordicTrack Commercial 1750
Sole F80 2023
Sole F80 (2023)

Which is Suitable for You?

Choose the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 if you…

  • Prefer a treadmill with a decline feature: The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 offers a -3% decline, allowing you to simulate running downhill and adding some variety to your workouts. So, if you enjoy/need downhill training the 1750 is the better choice.
  • Value a wide range of workout programs: With built-in workout programs on the console, and the iFit powered workouts and classes the 1750 offers more choices.
  • Prefer a treadmill with iFit integration: The Commercial 1750 comes with a 14-inch color touchscreen that provides excellent iFit experience. You can enjoy trainer-led workouts, simulate running in scenic locations with Google Maps, and access a wide range of interactive training options with its perfect iFit integration.

Choose the Sole F80 if you…

  • Need a higher weight capacity: With a weight capacity of 350 lbs. and its solid frame, the Sole F80 is ideal for heavier users.
  • Don’t require a decline feature: Not everybody is a fan of downhill running. The Sole F80 does not offer a decline option, so if you don’t need a decline function and prefer a treadmill with only incline capabilities, the F80 is a suitable option.
  • Prefer quick control buttons on the handlebars: This is one of our favorite features of Sole treadmills. The Sole F80 features quick control buttons on its handlebars, allowing you to easily adjust speed and incline without reaching for the console. If this feature is essential to your workout experience (i.e., you like interval training that requires frequent speed and incline changes), the F80 is the recommended choice.
  • Value integrated heart rate monitoring and a wireless chest strap: The Sole F80 comes with an integrated heart rate monitor and comes with a wireless chest strap for comfortable and accurate heart rate tracking. The 1750 does not have a built-in heart rate monitor, it only supports wireless heart rate tracking, and unfortunately you have to buy it separately.
NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Console
NordicTrack Commercial 1750 Console
Sole F80 Console 2023
Sole F80 Console (2023)

First the similarities; they both have a large 22″x60″ running deck, a motorized incline, a 12 MPH top speed, and wireless heart rate monitoring.

NordicTrack 1750 vs. Sole F80, Key Differences

The NordicTrack Commercial 1750 and Sole F80 have some key differences to consider when deciding which one to purchase:

  • The Sole F80 has no decline option while the NordicTrack’s 1750 has a -3% decline so you can simulate running downhill.
  • NordicTrack has more built-in workout programs on the console.
  • The F80 has a 350 lbs. maximum weight capacity compared to NordicTrack’s 300 lbs. user capacity. The F80 is a great treadmill for heavy people.
  • Sole cover its treadmill with a better warranty.
  • Sole F80 has a 15% incline while the Commercial 1750 has a 12% incline.
  • The Sole F80 has quick control buttons on its handlebars, the 1750 lacks this feature.
  • NordicTrack comes with iFit while the Sole F80 comes with the STUDIO App.
  • Commercial 1750 has a 14″ color touchscreen while the F80 has a 10.1″ Touchscreen display.
  • The 1750 measures 80L x 38W x 65H inches and while the F80 has a slightly larger footprint measuring 82.5L x 38W x 66H inches.
  • Sole F80 has an integrated heart rate monitor and also comes with a wireless chest strap. For the NordicTrack 1750, you must buy a chest strap if you want a heart rate monitor since it is not included. There is also no contact grip sensor on the treadmill.

The NordicTrack 1750 is a high-quality model that is part of NordicTrack’s Commercial Series treadmills.
It features a strong and durable 3.5 CHP motor, a 12 MPH top speed, a 300 lbs. weight rating, a -3% to 12% power decline/incline, and a full-size 22”x60” running deck.
NordicTrack treadmills are known for their perfect integration with iFit, you can enjoy trainer-led workouts or simulate running uphill with Google Maps-powered workouts. The large 14-inch display on the Commercial 1750 is great for iFit workouts.

The Sole F80 is a well-built foldable treadmill, that also comes with a  3.5 CHP motor. It can handle long demanding workouts and heavy users without any problems. It has a large 22”x60” running deck. Other key specs are, a 12 MPH top speed, 350 lbs. weight capacity, a 10.1″ Touchscreen, handlebar controls, and a power-adjustable incline with settings from 0 to 15 degrees. It comes with a wireless chest strap and it also has integrated pulse grip sensors on its handlebars.

What People Are Saying About the NordicTrack Commercial 1750

People seem to generally like the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 for its quality and features. They love the iFit workouts, which make exercising more enjoyable by simulating walks/runs in various locations around the world. The treadmill itself is considered stylish and exceeds users’ expectations, offering a gym-like experience with its large console.
However, some customers have encountered technical issues, such as needing to reboot the machine due to WI-FI disconnections. The customer service experience has been mixed, with some users feeling disappointed by the long wait times in resolving these issues. Many users said that the assembly process can be challenging, requiring at least two people due to the machine’s weight. Despite these concerns, overall, users seem to be happy with the NordicTrack Commercial 1750 and would recommend it to others.

What People Are Saying About the Sole F80

People generally have a positive opinion of the SOLE F80 treadmill. They like its sturdiness, gym-quality build, and smooth operation. They appreciate its simplicity, like us, with no unnecessary frills or subscription services. The incline feature, tablet holder, and user-friendly control panel are also well-received. However, the new SOLE app is not highly regarded, but most users rely on other apps or devices for workout tracking.

Regarding assembly and delivery, many reviews mention the heavy weight and bulkiness of the treadmill, making it challenging to move and assemble without assistance. Assembly can be time-consuming, but most users find it manageable, though it is often recommended to have a second person for help.

Overall, if you want a color larger touchscreen with iFit workouts, and a decline then NordicTrack 1750 could be a better option for you. If you want higher weight capacity, quick controls on handlebars, and do not want to pay extra for heart rate monitoring then go with the Sole F80.

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