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Top Treadmills with 22-Inch Wide Belts

When you’re looking for a treadmill, the belt size is really important. Treadmills with a 22-inch wide belt are a great choice because they are more comfortable and safer to use. This wider belt is perfect for people who need more room. If you have a wide stance when you walk or run, you’ll find that a wider belt lets you move more naturally and comfortably.

Also, if you feel a bit nervous or unsteady on a smaller treadmill, the extra space on a 22-inch belt can make you feel more secure. No matter if you’re a serious runner who likes a big space to run, or if you just want to be sure you’re safe and comfy while you work out, treadmills with a 22-inch wide belt are a really good option to consider if your budget allows for a higher-end model.

Before we dive into our list of top treadmills with a 22-inch wide belt, it’s worth noting that many leading brands in the fitness equipment industry offer these wide belt models, especially in their higher-end ranges. Brands like Sole, Horizon, Bowflex, and NordicTrack are known for their commitment to quality and user experience. Thus, in their premium treadmill models, you will find that these brands have wider belts.

These treadmills are not just about the extra width; they often come with advanced features like powerful motors, robust build quality, and innovative technology for tracking and enhancing your workouts. They strike the perfect balance between spaciousness, safety, and high-end functionality. So, if you’re in the market for a treadmill that offers a comfortable and secure running surface, read our list of treadmills from these reputable brands, each featuring a 22-inch wide running surface.

Sole F65 Treadmill
Sole F65 Treadmill

Sole F65


  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 325 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 3.25 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: 15 levels

Best Deal

The Sole F65 treadmill features a spacious 22-inch wide running belt, offering plenty of room for a comfortable and safe workout. It is powered by a strong 3.25 CHP motor and provides a wide range of incline levels (up to 15) and speeds (0.5 – 12 MPH), suitable for different fitness levels. The treadmill’s foldable design saves space, and it includes features like a heart rate monitor, tablet holder, and cooling fan, making it a great choice for home exercise. Additionally, the Sole F65 is built to last, with a comprehensive warranty that includes a lifetime guarantee on the frame and motor. If you’re in the market for a treadmill with a 22-inch wide belt, the Sole F65 is one of the best and most affordable options available.

Horizon Fitness 7.4 AT
Horizon Fitness 7.4 AT

Horizon Fitness 7.4 AT


  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 350 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 3.5 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: 15% motorized incline

Best Deal

The Horizon Fitness 7.4 AT treadmill offers a spacious 22-inch wide running surface, perfect for a comfortable and secure workout experience. It is powered by a robust 3.5 CHP motor and features a 15% motorized incline, allowing for varied and challenging workouts. The 7.4 AT supports a maximum weight of 350 lbs and includes a heart rate monitor with Bluetooth compatibility. Additionally, it offers a range of built-in programs and compatibility with training apps like Peloton and Zwift, making it an ideal choice for fitness people looking for a treadmill with wide belt.

Bowflex T10
Bowflex T10

Bowflex T10


  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 400 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 4 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: -5% – 15% motorized incline/decline

Best Deal

The Bowflex T10 treadmill offers a spacious 22-inch wide running surface, ideal for a comfortable and diverse range of exercises. With a powerful 4 CHP motor, it provides a wide range of incline and decline settings from -5% to 15%, and speeds up to 12 MPH, suitable for various fitness levels including serious runners. The T10 is a foldable treadmill that supports a maximum weight of 400 lbs and includes heart rate monitoring through hand grips and an armband (included). Other features include a touchscreen, 26 built-in workout programs, compatibility with the JRNY app (including a 1-year membership), a tablet holder, and a cooling fan, making it a well-rounded choice for treadmill users. So, if you are looking for a 22″x60″ treadmill with hard-to-beat specs, the T10 is one of the best models you can get.

Sole F80 2023
Sole F80 (2023)



  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 350 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 3.5 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: 15 levels

Best Deal

The SOLE F80 treadmill is designed with a generous 22-inch wide running surface, ensuring comfort and safety during workouts. It features a robust 3.5 CHP motor, supporting speeds from 0.5 to 12 MPH and up to 15 levels of incline, making it an ideal choice for a wide range of exercise preferences. It is also foldable, making it convenient for home use where space might be limited. For monitoring workout progress, it includes both pulse grips and chest strap heart rate monitoring. The touchscreen interface provides access to 10 pre-programmed workouts and 12 slots for user-defined routines. Users who opt for the STUDIO training app (separate membership required) can enjoy an expanded range of exercises. The treadmill also comes with practical features like a tablet/device holder and a built-in cooling fan, adding to its functionality as a great treadmill with wide running surface.

NordicTrack Commercial 2450 Treadmill
NordicTrack Commercial 2450 Treadmill

NordicTrack Commercial 2450


  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 300 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 3.6 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: -3% Decline and 15% Incline

Best Deal

The NordicTrack Commercial 2450 treadmill features a spacious 22-inch wide running belt, providing a comfortable and expansive area for all types of runners including taller ones. It is equipped with a powerful 3.6 CHP motor, accommodating speeds up to 12 MPH and offers an incline range from -3% decline to 15% incline, allowing for varied and challenging workouts. The 2450 includes a high-definition touchscreen and comes with a 30-day free membership to iFit, offering a wide range of built-in programs for personalized training experiences. Additionally, the treadmill supports a maximum weight of 300 lbs, folds for easy storage, and includes other convenient features.

Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT Treadmill
Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT Treadmill

Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT


  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 375 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 4 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: 15% motorized incline

Best Deal

The Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT treadmill offers a spacious 22-inch wide running surface, ideal for comfortable and versatile workouts. Powered by a strong 4 CHP motor, it features a 15% motorized incline and speeds ranging from 0.5 to 12 MPH, accommodating various fitness levels. This foldable treadmill supports a maximum weight of 375 lbs., along with compatibility with popular training apps like Peloton and Zwift. Additional features include a tablet/device holder, cooling fan, and large rollers, all backed by a robust warranty for long-term reliability.

Sole F85
Sole F85



  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 375 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 4 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: 15 levels

Best Deal

The SOLE F85 treadmill has a wide 22-inch deck, giving you plenty of room to exercise comfortably. It comes with a strong 4 CHP motor that lets you run at speeds from 0.5 to 12 MPH and adjust the incline up to 15 levels, fitting different workout needs. It includes a 15.6″ touchscreen, several built-in programs, and works with the STUDIO app for varied workouts. It can hold up to 375 lbs, folds up for easy storage, and has a solid warranty, making it a great choice if you are looking for a 22″x60″ treadmill.

Bowflex T22
Bowflex T22

Bowflex T22


  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 400 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 4 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: -5% – 20% motorized incline/decline

Best Deal

The Bowflex T22 treadmill features a generous 22-inch wide running surface, offering sufficient space for comfortable exercise sessions. Its robust 4 CHP motor accommodates speeds up to 12 MPH and an impressive incline/decline range from -5% to 20%, enabling a wide array of challenging workouts. This treadmill is has a large touchscreen, accurate heart rate monitors, and a variety of built-in workout programs, including a year-long JRNY membership, making it suitable for anyone looking for a treadmill with a wide deck.

Sole TT8
Sole TT8



  • Running Area: 22″ X 60″
  • Weight Capacity: 400 lbs.
  • Motor Power: 4 CHP
  • Incline/Decline: 15 levels incline, 6 levels decline

Best Deal

The Sole TT8 treadmill stands out with its spacious 22-inch wide running surface, providing plenty of room for a comfortable and secure workout. It features a powerful commercial 4 CHP motor and high quality belt. The treadmill includes both incline and decline settings, up to 15 levels and 6 levels respectively, to mimic natural terrain. This model is equipped with a touchscreen, 10 pre-programmed workouts, and 12 user-defined workouts, and is compatible with STUDIO training apps for an engaging exercise experience. Additionally, it features a sturdy build supporting up to 400 lbs, a cooling fan for added comfort, and a tablet holder.