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Treadmills For Interval Training, What to Look For?

Interval training on a treadmill is a type of workout that alternates periods of high-intensity activity with periods of low-intensity activity. It is a popular type of workout since you can burn more calories in a shorter period of time.
This makes it an effective way to lose weight, increase your endurance, and train the body to recover quickly from intense exercise. Of course, you must combine interval training with a healthy diet to achieve optimum results.

What to Look For?

When looking for a treadmill that is perfect for interval training and that won’t get you frustrated, there are a few key features to look for.

Motor Power, Speed, and Acceleration

The power of the motor is a very important aspect to consider when looking for a treadmill for interval training since it determines the maximum speed of the treadmill, as well as its smoothness. Ideally a 3.0 CHP or more powerful motor can handle high-intensity interval training. There are treadmill models that come with motors specifically designed for interval training. These types of motors can accelerate and decelerate faster.
Of course, you need the consider a model with a good speed range. Look for models that can reach up to 12 MPH.

Buttons and Controls

For interval training, you need to switch between slow and fast settings frequently, so a treadmill with preset speed buttons on the console would be great. Handrail controls for speed and incline are very convenient too so you can change the speed and incline with quick buttons or dials easily.
However, the best models for interval training come with custom interval buttons. These treadmills allow you to set a specific speed and incline for the buttons so you can swap easily between higher and lower intensity. Horizon 7.8 AT, 7.4 AT, and 7.0 AT have custom interval buttons.

Incline Range

An incline range of 0% to 15% is perfect for interval training. Interval training often involves changing the incline to adjust the intensity of your workout, so the thing we say about the speed applies also to the incline. Look for models that you can change the incline easily with preset incline buttons or quick controls on handrails.

Heart Rate Monitoring

When interval training, it’s important to reach a specific target heart rate zone to get the best results. So, you will need to monitor your heart rate during your workout to get the most out of your workout, but not so hard that you risk any kind of injury or overstress(overstraining) your body.
Most models come with built-in hand grip sensors and support wireless sensors with Bluetooth or ANT+. Chest strap and armband monitors are more accurate in general, so we recommend looking for models that come with one. Bowflex, Sole, and some Horizon Fitness treadmills come with wireless heart rate monitors with your purchase, and they are very accurate.

Built Quality and Warranty

Interval training is not only hard for your body but also hard for the treadmill. You will need a treadmill with sturdy and durable construction and a strong motor that can handle frequent use. This is especially important for heavier runners who like high-intensity interval training (HIIT). And be sure that the warranty covers repairs and replacements for a long time in case something goes wrong. Look for brands that offer a lifetime warranty on the motor and frame.

Deck Size and Cushioning

Another thing to is the size of the running deck. You will need a larger running deck that gives you more room and comfort. This is especially important if you are over 6 feet. A 20”x60” or 22”x60” running deck is ideal.
You may also want to consider models with a cushioning system. During high-speed phases of interval training, the impact on your joints can be significant. A treadmill with a good cushioning system is great for reducing the impact on your joints. If you are recovering from an injury or if you are older and more prone to joint pain invest in a treadmill with a cushioned(soft) belt.

Display and Workout Programs

Some treadmills come with built-in programs for interval training or with the ability to customize your own workout program. The treadmill will adjust the speed and incline for you automatically. Some models also watch your heart rate to keep you at a target heart rate zone. Some models also come with consoles loaded with fitness apps such as iFit or JRNY. These apps have many great workout programs with videos for interval training. They can keep you motivated, competitive, and engaged with their more enjoyable training programs.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, interval training is a great way to improve your fitness and burn calories when combined with a healthy diet. Treadmills are great for interval training, but it’s important to choose one that is suitable for this type of heavy use. So, a strong motor and a sturdy frame are a must. You also need to consider the incline options, speed range, cushioning system, and workout programs to choose the right treadmill for interval training.