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Disclosure and Transparency

We value transparency and trust with our readers. This page outlines our relationships with manufacturers and retailers, and the methods behind our reviews and ratings, ensuring you understand how we operate with integrity.

Website Content and Data

All information displayed on our website, including product specifications and images, primarily comes from manufacturers and retailers. However, there are instances where we personally measure certain specifications and capture our own photographs for a more accurate representation. We diligently gather and present these details to assist you in making informed choices. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the information, it’s essential to conduct your own research before making any decisions. The product details are primarily for informational use, and although we make every effort to ensure their accuracy, we cannot be held liable for any discrepancies.

Our Ratings and Opinions

While we provide factual data such as product specifications, we also analyze this data using our proprietary algorithm to present our rating score. This score considers the product’s features, specifications, and its average market price relative to similar models. Please note that this rating reflects our opinion.

Our mission is to enhance the quality and clarity of online product reviews and comparisons.


The reviews on our site are subjective and represent our opinions. They are based on our research and personal experiences. We encourage readers to always do further research before making decisions.

From time to time, we may receive products directly from manufacturers or retailers for testing purposes. However, receiving these products does not influence our reviews or ratings. We remain committed to providing unbiased feedback and insights based on our objective assessments and personal experiences with the treadmills and other products we review.

Affiliate Programs

We are participants in various affiliate programs. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. If you click on an affiliate link, we might receive a commission. However, this commission does not affect the price you pay or the integrity of our content.

FTC Disclosure

For transparency, please assume that the owner of this website has an affiliate relationship or other material connection with the providers of goods and services mentioned on this site. Compensation may be received when you purchase from a linked provider. Always exercise due diligence before making any online purchases.


For any inquiries or feedback, kindly reach out to us through the form on our Contact page.