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Bowflex T10 Review

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There are only a few brands that can create sturdy fitness equipment loaded with features, and the Bowflex T10 is the perfect example of such a machine. Some highlights of the T10 are, a large 22″x60″ running deck, a 4.0 CHP motor, a foldable frame, a maximum user weight of 400 pounds, a -5% to 15% percent incline/decline, and a great warranty. It has an integrated contact grip heart rate monitor, but also comes with an armband that provides more accurate heart rate readings and more comfortable to use.

9.5 /10
  • Includes Bluetooth armband to monitor your heart rate
  • 400 lbs weight capacity, powerful 4.0 CHP motor
  • You can run up to 12 MPH on its large 22″x60″ running deck, an ideal treadmill for runners
  • Impressive incline and decline range of -5% to 15%
  • 10-inch adjustable color touchscreen display will keep you motivated with JRNY workouts
  • The console is not limited to fitness content, you can also display Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and HBO Max
  • Easy-to-fold design

See Price at Amazon

This is a large, solid treadmill measuring 85L x 39.6W x 65.3H inches. It is foldable but has a large footprint when in use. The treadmill comes with a one-year subscription to Bowflex’s interactive training app JRNY, which is very similar to iFit. It has a dynamic library of routes and training programs. One great advantage of the T10 console is, it is not just designed for training, the 10-inch screen can also display Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and HBO Max content (Streaming service provider subscriptions not included). The screen is bright and large enough for enjoying your favorite show.

So, this treadmill is perfect for users who are looking for a treadmill with a large deck, a great range of decline and incline for faster calorie burn and a tech-loaded console for workout engagement but is there any cons? Let’s get into the nitty-gritty details and see what we really think about this treadmill.

Is the Bowflex T10 for You?

The Bowflex T10 is an excellent machine for many people because of its impressive set of features. Let’s check who it’s right for:

  • Serious Runners: With its powerful 4 CHP motor, large running deck (22″x60″), and high speed of 12 mph, the Bowflex T10 is a dream treadmill for serious runners. The deck is perfect for all types of runners, including those with longer strides.
  • People Seeking a Treadmill with Excellent Heart Rate Tracking: The treadmill’s heart rate monitoring capabilities, which include both a contact grip and a more comfortable wireless armband, allow users to monitor their heart rate effectively and accurately. What’s more, the armband is included with your purchase.
  • Users Who Like a Great Range of Incline/Decline: The Bowflex T10 stands out with its -5% to 15% incline/decline range. It is a great treadmill for people who want to incorporate uphill and downhill training for more intense, calorie-burning sessions.
  • Heavier Users: With a maximum weight capacity of 400 pounds and its stable frame, it can support heavier users with no problem.
  • Tech-Lovers: For those who value smart features and entertainment during their workouts, the T10 is a perfect option. With its 10-inch touchscreen, you can enjoy JRNY content. It can also display popular streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and HBO Max. It comes with a one-year subscription to JRNY, so you will have the opportunity to try it for a long period of time before deciding if it is worth paying for.
Console of Bowflex Treadmill T10

What We Like About the Bowflex T10:

We have had the opportunity to try out this treadmill in our friends place, and here are the things we like after our hands-on experience with it.

Powerful Motor: The Bowflex treadmill T10 is powered by a high-quality 4 CHP motor that can handle long workout sessions, interval training, and other heavy use cases. The motor is quiet and supports a top speed of 12 mph and a maximum user weight of 400 pounds without heating.

Bowflex T10’s folding frame

Max Weight: This is a solid treadmill that can support users of up to 400 pounds in body weight.

Decline/Incline: The T10 has a motorized incline with a maximum of 15% and it can decline by up to -5%. With this range of incline, you will burn more calories, have a diverse workout, and build muscle strength at the same time. Most treadmills come with -3% incline so the T10 is the model to go if you want a more steeper decline.

Adjustable HD Touchscreen: The adjustable 10-inch HD Touchscreen console is perfect for browsing your stats and metrics. What is more, you can watch your favorite shows from Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and HBO Max, it will make your workouts fun. It also comes with a one-year subscription to the JRNY app which is loaded with routes and workouts.

Heart Rate Monitoring: With T10 you to track your heart rate with wireless and contact grip monitoring. A wireless armband is included with your purchase, so you won’t need to spend extra. Heart rate data can be used with heart-rate programs on the JRNY or other apps.

Deck Size: The 22″ x 60″ extra-wide running surface is great for any serious runners. The bell is well-cushioned but not too soft.

Folding Design: The T10 is a large treadmill, but the good news is it is very easy to fold, just push the deck upward after your workouts.

Warranty: This treadmill comes with a great warranty. It is protected with a 15-year frame, 5-year mechanical, 1-year electronics, and a 2-year labor warranty.

Bowflex T10 Key Specs

Motor Power 4 CHP
Speed Range 0.5 – 12 MPH
Incline/Decline -5% – 15% motorized incline/decline
Foldable yes
Belt Size 22″ X 60″
Weight Limit 400 lbs.
Heart Rate Monitor Heart rate hand grips and also comes with armband
Tablet/Device holder yes
Cooling Fan yes
Display 10″ HD Touchscreen console
Handlebar Buttons yes
Audio yes
Bluetooth Audio yes
Training Apps JRNY, ZWIFT
Dimensions 85L x 39.6W x 65.3H inches
See Price at Amazon


What We Don’t Like About the Bowflex T10:

Very Large Footprint: This is a folding treadmill, but we can’t say it is space-saving when in use. It is a solid machine that measures 85L x 39.6W x 65.3H inches. So, you should take some measurements of your workout area before considering this machine.

Difficult Assembly: The T10 is a large treadmill, getting it in place can be a two-man job so paying extra for professional assembly could be a wise option.


Consoles of Bowflex T10 and T22, side by side
Bowflex T10 and T22 consoles

Bowflex T10 vs. T22, What is the difference?

The most notable difference between the Bowflex T10 and T22 models is the display size and the incline range. Both have commercial size 22″x60″ belts, a top speed of 12MPH, and 4 CHP motors. The T22 comes with a huge 22″ HD immersive console that makes this treadmill almost a full entertainment system. The T10 has an industry-standard incline range (-5% to %15) but the T22 comes with a better incline range of -5% to 20% for more challenging workouts. We think no matter which Bowflex treadmill you choose you will not lose since both models are high-end treadmills with excellent reviews from users.

Bottom Line:

If you’re looking for a solid treadmill with a full-size deck, incline/decline capabilities, and lots of entertainment options to keep you motivated, then the Bowflex T10 is a perfect option for you. The T10 has a large 22-inch by 60-inch cushioned running deck, an impressive 400 lbs. weight capacity, an adjustable HD touchscreen, and comes with a 1-Year JRNY Membership.
It also comes with a wireless heart rate monitor with purchase, so you won’t need to spend extra money. The last thing worth talking about is the size of the treadmill. It is a large machine, so you will need a lot of space in your home.

Bowflex Treadmill T10 Frequently Asked Questions

Is Bowflex T10 difficult to assemble?

It’s a heavy unit, you’ll need a few people or family members to move the parts. It is not difficult, but it is not a one-man job.

What is the step-up height of Bowflex T10?

The deck height or the step-up height is 12 inches.

Can the Bowflex T10 work without JRNY?

Yes, it can work in without JRNY mode. However, you must register your treadmill before first use which requires WI-FI after setup you can turn WI-FI off and use it offline.

Can I watch TV or Netflix on Bowflex T10?

The best part of this treadmill is the console is not limited to JRNY content, you can also display Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+, and HBO Max, of course, streaming service provider subscriptions are not included.

How much does a JRNY App subscription cost?

The app typically costs about $19 per month at the time of this writing.

What are the dimensions of the Bowflex T10?

Unfolded dimensions are 85L x 39.6W x 65.3H inches.

What is the weight capacity of the Treadmill T10?

This model can support users up to 400 pounds.

Does T10 have a fan?

Yes, it has a built-in fan on the console. You can stay cool with its high, medium, and low settings.


  1. cinephilecentral

    Hey everyone! πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ I’ve got my eye on the Bowflex T10 treadmill and was hoping some of you might have experience with it. I’m curious about a few things: First, how loud is it when it’s running at higher speeds or inclines? I don’t want to be the one waking up the whole house during my morning runs. πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ Second, how responsive is the touchscreen with JRNY? I’m also interested in the incline feature, does it adjust smoothly and quickly to different incline levels? Any info would be super appreciated, thanks in advance! πŸ™πŸ˜Š

    • Hey there! πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ The Bowflex T10 is loaded with features like a 10-inch HD touchscreen, a 4.0 HP motor, and a 22 x 60-inch running area with both a -5% decline and 15% incline option, and it operates quietly. However, just be aware that streaming apps are locked behind a subscription but first year is free. Hope this helps!

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