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Benefits Of Walking on A Treadmill

When we think about a treadmill, running probably comes to mind first, right? But don’t forget about walking! It’s an awesome low-impact exercise that can do wonders without putting too much stress on your body. It can be a great way to relax your mind too, just watch your favorite show or listen to your playlist and enjoy your workout. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to run super hard for hours to get results. Sometimes less is more; taking an easy walk can do the trick. Turn low-pace training into a daily habit and you will see some great health benefits. Of course, walking outdoors is the best, but a walking treadmill will make it easier since walking outside is not always possible, especially when the weather is bad or you’re short on time.
Here are the advantages and benefits of a walking treadmill:

Time and Weather Is No Problem

Walking is a great way to get in your daily dose of serotonin, no matter what time of day it is. You can jump on your treadmill anytime. You can walk before the sun comes up or before bed, a treadmill offers the convenience of being able to exercise whenever you wish. What is more, you don’t have to worry about the weather. Whether it’s raining, too hot, windy, or snowing, you can walk comfortably at your home.

Burn Calories

Walking on a treadmill is an overlooked way to burn calories and boost your metabolism. You don’t need to run like Usain Bolt to burn calories and lose weight. A long walk with a medium speed and maybe some incline will do wonders.
The exact number of calories you’ll burn will depend on many factors such as time on the treadmill, your weight, height, pace, and incline, research shows that you can burn anywhere from 100 to 300 calories in just 30 minutes. So, whether you’re looking to lose weight or improve your overall health, walking on a treadmill is a fantastic exercise that can help you reach that goal. If you’re on the heavier side and wondering which treadmill might be best suited for you, be sure to check out our guide on the treadmills for overweight people.

This chart shows how many calories you burn on average when you walk or run on a treadmill for different times:

Duration Calories Burned Walking Calories Burned Running
10 Minutes 30-50 calories 80-100 calories
15 Minutes 45-75 calories 120-150 calories
20 Minutes 60-100 calories 160-200 calories
30 Minutes 90-150 calories 240-300 calories
45 Minutes 135-225 calories 360-450 calories

It Is Easy To Track Your Progress

With a treadmill, it is very easy to track your progress and see just how far you’ve come during your fitness journey. Many models come with features like speed, pace, heart rate, distance, and calorie counters. Thanks to technology we can also keep track of them with our smartphones. In fact, models with smart consoles keep our stats in their memory or send them to fitness apps, so that we can monitor our progress in detail with fancy graphics. This can give you the motivation, confidence, and inspiration you need to keep going or see what you need to improve.

Prevent Diseases and Injury

It is no secret that regular exercise, like walking on a treadmill, can help lower your risk of health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. Furthermore, walking on a treadmill is a low-impact exercise. It is easy on your joints, making it a great option for people of all ages and fitness levels. It will also help older people with their balance and reduce their risk of falls and injuries.

Woman walking on a treadmill

Entertainment Options

Do you enjoy exercising and find that time flies by? It is great but you need some way to entertain yourself while walking. With a treadmill, you have the freedom and luxury to listen to your favorite songs, podcast, or audiobook. You can also watch your favorite shows on Netflix or funny videos on YouTube. Nowadays, many treadmills come with large built-in screens or the ability to connect to your own devices. Additionally, you can use the interactive options (Google Map Trails) on fitness apps such as iFit, JRNY, or Peloton or participate in virtual competitions which can be fun. With so many options for entertainment, it is almost impossible to get bored while you walk on your treadmill, just try these options, and see which ones work best for you.

It Is Very Relaxing

Exercise has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Walking on a treadmill can be a great way to relax, reveal stress, and clear your mind. Many people find that it is a great way to meditate with its rhythmic motion. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by daily chores, work, or other issues, a walk on the treadmill can make you feel better and help find your inner peace.

As you see, walking offers numerous benefits to your health and well-being. It is a great exercise for preventing disease and injury, entertaining yourself, and relaxing. While walking outdoors is the best, it is not always possible due to timing and weather conditions. So, you might consider getting a walking treadmill to achieve your desired result in a fun way without pushing yourself too hard.