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Tag: Under $2000

The treadmills in this group cost between $1000- $2000 and typically have more advanced features, larger decks, and powerful motors. In our reviews, we expect them to have at least a 3.0 CHP durable motor, a 15% incline, a 20”x60” or larger deck, great warranty coverage, and the ability to connect to fitness apps for interactive workout options and rate them accordingly.

We also want to see them come with a good heart rate sensor that can accurately track your heart rate as well as the ability to connect to a wireless chest strap or an armband.

Other features we are looking for are built-in workout programs, interactive training, and multiple user profiles. A treadmill in this price class should provide options that allow every family member to enjoy their workouts and gain benefits from them.

Overall, the treadmills in this group are a better option for serious runners or those who want some extra features to keep them motivated. They are also a good option for those who plan to use the treadmill frequently, maybe by more than one person.

OMA Treadmill 5925CAI

OMA 5925CAI Review

The OMA Treadmill 5925CAI can be a good choice for those who are looking for a budget-friendly smart treadmill for home use. It does not…

ProForm Carbon T7 Treadmill

ProForm Carbon T7 Review

The ProForm Carbon T7 is a budget-friendly folding treadmill that is perfect for interactive training with iFit. This is an entry-level treadmill, but it offers…

Bowflex BXT8J treadmill

Bowflex BXT8J Review

The Bowflex BXT8J is worth checking out as the most affordable Bowflex treadmill out there with some great features we don’t see on other similar…

Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT Treadmill

Horizon 7.0 AT Review

The Horizon Fitness 7.0 AT is a great option for home users that are looking for a solid treadmill built for runners for just under…

Horizon Fitness 7.8 AT Treadmill

Horizon 7.8 AT Review

The 7.8 AT is Horizon’s flagship treadmill in the STUDIO series. It boasts a few additional features and enhancements compared to its siblings.

SOLE F80 Treadmill

Sole F80 Review

The Sole F80 has been around since the Sole brand was first created and it is still one of the most popular and highly-rated treadmills…

Horizon Fitness 7.4 AT

Horizon 7.4 AT Review

The Horizon 7.4 AT is a popular treadmill that has a better-than-average motor and features. It is the mid-range model in the Studio series of…