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Best Treadmills For Heavy People

As a heavier individual myself, I understand the challenges that come with finding the perfect treadmill for heavy people. With so many options that are perfect on paper with high weight capacities, it can be overwhelming to sift through the countless models and features. Worry not, I have dedicated my time to extensively research and test these machines, resulting in a short but list of the best treadmills for heavy people.

Bowflex T10

Bowflex T10 is the perfect treadmill for heavier users it has a 4.0 CHP motor, a maximum user weight of 400 pounds.


  • Weight Capacity: 400 lb
  • Motor: 4.0 CHP
  • Deck Size: 22″x60″
  • Folding: Yes

Best deal


  • 400 lbs weight capacity, powerful 4.0 CHP motor
  • You can run up to 12 MPH on its large 22″x60″
  • Impressive incline and decline range of -5% to 15%
  • Easy-to-fold design


  • Large footprint, it measures 85L x 39.6W x 65.3H inches

If you’re looking for a solid treadmill with a full-size deck, incline/decline capabilities, and lots of entertainment options to keep you motivated, then the Bowflex T10 is a perfect option for you. The T10 has a large 22-inch by 60-inch cushioned running deck, an impressive 400 lbs. weight capacity, an adjustable HD touchscreen, and comes with a 1-Year JRNY Membership.

SOLE F80 Treadmill

Sole F80

Sole F80 is a well-built foldable treadmill with a strong 3.5 CHP motor and 375 lbs. weight capacity.


  • Weight Capacity: 375 lb
  • Motor: 3.5 CHP
  • Deck Size: 22″x60″
  • Folding: Yes

Best deal


  • 375 lbs weight capacity, powerful 3.5 CHP motor
  • 12 MPH speed,  22″x60″ running deck
  • Good incline range of 15%
  • Easy-to-fold design with transport wheels


  • Low-tech console

The Sole F80 is a great treadmill with hard-to-beat specs, and you won’t be disappointed unless you want a large fancy console. It comes with a quality motor, 375 lbs. weight capacity a large deck, a wireless chest strap, and an excellent warranty. It is one of the best high capacity treadmills you can buy that will last long without trouble.

Horizon Fitness 7.4 AT

Horizon 7.4 AT

Equipped with a 3.5 CHP motor, the 7.4AT can support users up to 350 pounds.


  • Weight Capacity: 350 lb
  • Motor: 3.5 CHP
  • Deck Size: 22″x60″
  • Folding: Yes

Best deal


  • 350 lbs weight capacity, powerful 3.5 CHP moto
  • You can run up to 12 MPH on its full-size 22″x60″ running deck
  • Wireless chest strap included
  • Can sync with popular apps such as Zwift, Peloton, AtZone, and more


  • Basic console

The Horizon 7.4 AT is a good choice for every kind of user including overweight people. This model is a great option if you are looking for a powerful but affordable treadmill. It has an easy-to-use console and comes with a wireless heart rate monitor. The large selection of compatible 3rd party fitness apps and Bluetooth audio will help keep you motivated.
The lifetime warranty on the motor and frame, and the 5-year parts warranty show that Horizon Fitness stands behind their treadmill.

Treadmill Selection for Heavy People: A Comprehensive Guide

Treadmills offer a multitude of health benefits for people of all sizes, but they are especially beneficial for heavy individuals. Obesity is a widespread, severe, and expensive health issue, with the prevalence of obesity in the United States reaching 41.9% between 2017 and March 2020. Using a treadmill can also help reduce the risk of obesity-related health issues, such as diabetes, heart disease, and other health issues. Here are what to look for when choosing a treadmill specifically designed with heavy people in mind, ensuring a safe and effective workout experience without annoying problems.

Weight Capacity

The first aspect to consider when looking for a treadmill for heavy users is the weight capacity. This is the maximum weight that the treadmill can safely support. It’s crucial to find a treadmill that can accommodate your current weight easily to prevent potential damage to the motor or frame. In my experience, treadmills designed for heavy users typically have a weight capacity ranging from 300 to 450 pounds or even higher. For some extra caution try to find a treadmill that can support your weight plus 50 pounds for some safety margin. This will also ensure that you can continue using your treadmill if your weight fluctuates over time.

Durability and Stability

Durability and stability are crucial factors to consider when it comes to treadmills for large people. A treadmill with a strong frame and a stable base will not only support your weight but will also last longer, giving you better value for your investment. The treadmills are heavy machines, and in case of a problem their transportation to service centers can be quite costly due to their weight and size. Be sure to look for treadmills made from high-quality materials such as steel and with solid construction to ensure they can handle the extra weight. I find it helpful to read reddit reviews to see if a specific model causes a lot of headaches for the user, especially heavy individuals.

Warranty and Customer Support

As I mentioned earlier, treadmills are high-priced equipment and can be expensive to service. A good warranty and responsive customer support are important considerations when purchasing a treadmill. A longer warranty period for the frame, motor, and parts is a strong indication of the manufacturer’s confidence in their product. Make sure to check the warranty terms and conditions, and don’t hesitate to reach out to customer support with any questions or concerns about the machine’s limits.

Space and Dimensions: Finding the Right Fit

When it comes to buying a treadmill for heavier people, one must be extra cautious with the space it will occupy. Machines with high weight capacities are usually larger and heavier than standard treadmills. Measure your available space and ensure that the treadmill you choose can fit comfortably. Keep in mind the overhead clearance as well, especially when using the incline feature, to avoid hitting your head on the ceiling during your workout. I learned this lesson the hard way when I initially purchased a treadmill that barely fit in my designated workout area.

Console and Additional Features

While not specific to heavy people, the console and additional features of a treadmill can significantly enhance your workout experience. Look for a treadmill with an easy-to-read and user-friendly console, displaying important information such as speed, distance, time, incline, and calories burned.
Treadmills with built-in heart rate monitors, Bluetooth connectivity, and compatibility with fitness apps like iFit can provide valuable insights into your progress and help you stay on track with your fitness goals.

Speed Range

The speed range of a treadmill is an essential consideration. Most treadmills can reach speeds up to 12 mph, but some models are designed just for walking and may have a maximum speed of around 6 mph. It’s important to choose a treadmill with a speed range that suits your fitness goals and comfort levels.

Incline Features: Enhancing Your Workout

Including an incline feature in your treadmill can not only simulate hills but also provide a more intense lower body workout, even at slower speeds. It is a great way to burn more calories in a shorter time frame. The incline range in most treadmills varies from 0 to 15%, some higher end models even offering a decline option to mimic downhill walking or running. While treadmills with incline and decline capabilities can be more expensive, I’ve found that the added investment is worth it for the increased workout variety and intensity especially when used with an interactive app to simulate outdoor walking.

Noise Level and Comfort

A quiet treadmill will not only provide a more enjoyable workout experience but will also be less disruptive to others in your household. Look for treadmills with quiet motors and belt systems designed to minimize noise.
Comfort is another key factor. Treadmills with wide belts, ample running space, and good cushioning can significantly improve workout comfort for large people. Don’t forget to consider the overall ergonomics of the treadmill, such as the placement of the console, handrails, and buttons. I find longer handrails to be particularly helpful for maintaining balance and providing additional support during my workouts.

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast should a heavy person walk on a treadmill?

As someone who started at a slower pace, I recommend beginning with a speed of 2-3 mph if you’re new to treadmill workouts. Gradually increase your speed as you build stamina and feel comfortable.

Can I use a treadmill if I’m over the weight capacity of the machine?

Using a treadmill beyond its weight capacity can cause stress on the motor and frame, potentially leading to damage over time. It’s essential to select a treadmill with a weight capacity that accommodates your current weight or more.

Do heavier people burn more calories on a treadmill?

In general, heavier individuals burn more calories during physical activity, including treadmill workouts. Factors such as speed and incline also contribute to the number of calories burned. If you want to track the calories burned on the treadmill, choose a model that lets you enter your weight and height to get a better estimation. The most important thing is the workout duration. You need to decide on a suitable duration for your goals and be consistent with it. For more insights on how long you should spend on a treadmill, check out our related article about ideal treadmill time for effective results.

Here is a table showing calories you burn on average when you walk or run on a treadmill:

Duration Calories Burned Walking Calories Burned Running
10 Minutes 30-50 calories 80-100 calories
15 Minutes 45-75 calories 120-150 calories
20 Minutes 60-100 calories 160-200 calories
30 Minutes 90-150 calories 240-300 calories
45 Minutes 135-225 calories 360-450 calories

Can I do interval training or HIIT on a treadmill if I’m heavy?

Yes, interval training can be an effective way to increase your fitness level and burn more calories for everyone. However, if you’re new to exercise or carrying extra weight, start with a lower intensity and gradually increase it over time and always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program.
Regarding weight loss, here’s what the Mayo Clinic says about HIIT training. Current scientific research does not provide conclusive or consistent evidence favoring either HIIT Training as superior methods. Performing HIIT twice a week has been shown to improve cardiometabolic health, with additional benefits observed when conducted three times a week, such as enhanced fat loss, reduced LDL cholesterol, and improved mental well-being.

How can I maintain my treadmill to ensure it lasts?

Proper maintenance and using the treadmill according to its limits can significantly extend the lifespan of your treadmill this is why it is important to find a treadmill for your weight in the fitst place. Regularly inspect the belt for wear and tear, clean the deck and belt, lubricate if necessary (if your treadmill needs manual lubrication), and vacuum around the treadmill to remove dust and debris. Additionally, keep the treadmill in a cool, dry environment, and avoid placing it in direct sunlight. There are treadmill covers to protect your machine from dust and direct sunlight if you won’t use it for a long time.


So, considering factors such as weight capacity, space, speed range, and incline features, you can find a treadmill for your weight to exercise safely, and supports your fitness journey. Additionally, ergonomic features like console placement, handrails, and button accessibility play an important role in enhancing user experience. I hope we have helped you make an informed decision and invest in a treadmill that meets your specific needs.


  1. stoneage50

    I’m really struggling with my weight (5’8″ and 315 lbs) and I’d love to start daily workouts mainly walking. I have no idea where to start or what kind of treadmill would be best for me. Are these models suitable for me as a beginner? Any advice would be much appreciated!

    • cardioqueen

      Also, consider the length and width of the deck, especially if you plan on eventually jogging or running on the treadmill. A longer surface would be more comfortable for you. Go with a 20×60 treadmill at least. Sole and Horizon are great. I have an old F65, it is great.

    • sweatysuccess

      I totally feel you, as I’ve been there myself. Just remember that while exercise is important, you should also focus on your diet at the same time to see the best results. Counting calories or trying out different meal plans will help you a lot.

    • runner4life

      Also, don’t forget you will probably want to start slow. Walking can do wonders, especially in the beginning. So you can try a walking treadmill at first they are cheaper 💰, as you progress, you can get a better model.”

  2. Hi stoneage50, first, kudos 🙂 for starting your weight loss journey! I would recommend looking for a treadmill with a weight capacity of at least 375 lbs, just to be on the safe side. Additionally, you’ll want to consider getting one with a decent motor (at least 3hp) and good cushioning to protect your joints.

  3. iwillbegreat

    You can find a used commercial treadmill that is in good condition. They have a higher weight capacity and are much more durable than home treadmills. I’d recommend you search craiglist to see if you can find a good deal nearby.”

    • stoneage50

      Thank you for the suggestion! I’ll definitely consider a used commercial treadmill.

  4. coffeebreak

    I’ve been there too, one thing that really helped me was joining a weight loss support group on reddit. It’s great to have people who can relate to your struggles and cheer you on. I recently upgraded to the Life Fitness T5, it’s a great machine but it is very expensive at online stores, I found it just over $3000 in a local store. So I think T5 must be on this list too. I don’t the weight capacity of T5 but, it feels solid. My previous treadmill was a Proform, it was also fine.

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