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Beating Treadmill Boredom: Make Time Fly


Treadmills are excellent for getting a workout, regardless of the weather or time of day. However, without some diversions, they can feel like a never-ending hamster wheel where you’re constantly watching the clock or counting the miles. The good news? There are numerous ways to make treadmill sessions more engaging and enjoyable. Here are some tips to combat treadmill boredom and make time fly.

Treadmill Watch Show

Watch Something or Listen to Music

Entertainment can really change how you feel about your treadmill workout. Thanks to today’s digital world, we have so many choices. Some people like to watch their favorite series on Netflix or YouTube videos, while others enjoy listening to music to keep them moving.

For example, I like re-watching “Seinfeld” episodes for a laugh during my slow runs. I’ve also noticed that my morning workouts go faster when I listen to a podcast. If you like to learn while you run, try listening to audiobooks or even language lessons. This way, you can learn something new while burning calories.

If you also enjoy watching shows, check out our list of treadmills equipped with Netflix.

Treadmill Friends

Run with a Friend or Your Partner

Treadmill running can be a social activity. Invite a friend or partner to join you at the gym. I’ve found that running alongside my wife not only helps the time pass quickly but also strengthens our bond. The encouragement and casual conversation make treadmill runs enjoyable and make time pass faster. Plus, a little friendly competition and some turtle jokes might even push you to run faster or longer than usual.

Discover Virtual Running

The digital age brings a fresh dimension to treadmill running. Platforms like Zwift and iFit simulate real-world terrains and scenarios if the treadmill you use supports them. For someone like me who loves variety, using iFit to virtually run in different parts of the world makes my runs very enjoyable. Some apps also provide leaderboards and challenges, allowing you to compete with runners worldwide. This can turn each treadmill session into a new adventure and help with motivation. So, if you don’t yet own a treadmill, consider choosing a model that supports fitness apps.

Experience the Run, Not the Stats

While metrics like time, heartbeat, and calories can be motivating, they can also be distracting. I admit, I often find myself watching the calorie count rise, especially enjoying the satisfaction when it hits multiples of 100. However, constantly checking the miles you’ve run can make time feel slower. Instead, focus on the rhythm of your footfalls, your steady breathing, and the overall experience. This can make your run feel more like a meditative journey.

Fun with Incline

Variety is crucial for an enjoyable treadmill workout, as we always point out in our guides. Playing with inclines not only presents a fresh challenge but also gives a sense of accomplishment. I find that trying challenging inclines makes my treadmill runs feel more authentic, as if I’m outdoors, tackling various terrains. Plus, the varied resistance targets different muscle groups, making the workout more effective. Fitness apps that adjust the incline and decline based on the terrain are also excellent.

Do a Fun Workout

Treadmills are versatile, offering much more than just a steady-state run. From my experience, experimenting with interval training or varying speeds adds extra fun and challenges. Whether it’s a sprint session or a HIIT type workout, introducing new elements keeps treadmill workouts fresh and engaging.

Overall, with a bit of creativity and a personal touch, treadmill workouts can be anything but mundane. With entertainment, company, virtual runs, and varied routines, each session can become a fun experience where you’re not constantly watching the clock.